
Ingredientes (4 Raciones)

  • 400 g trout
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 50 g flour
  • 100 g almonds
  • 100 ml cream
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • 100 g butter
  • 500 ml seasoned olive oil (with tarragon, rosemary or thyme)

Valores nutricionales (por ración)

Calorías686 kcal
Grasas58 g
Sodio76 mg
Hidratos de carbono12 g
Proteínas31 g
Fósforo390 mg
Potasio629 mg
Contenido líquido102 ml


Clean and scarify the fish. Sprinkle with lemon juice and spread with the seasoned oil. Leave to stand for 20 minutes. Blot up the moisture, roll the fish in flour and fry on both sides in hot butter. Scatter on crushed garlic, put shelled almonds next to the fish and brown for a few minutes. Pour on the cream and boil to thicken. Serve with steamed rice.

Consejos nutricionales

You can use other sweet water fish, like carp, crucian or bream