
Ingredientes (4 Raciones)

  • 4 apples
  • 60 g sugar
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • Butter
  • jam of your choice: raspberry, blueberry

Valores nutricionales (por ración)

Calorías217 kcal
Grasas3 g
Sodio2 mg
Hidratos de carbono45 g
Proteínas1 g
Fósforo17 mg
Potasio159 mg
Contenido líquido110 ml


Preheat the oven to 180°C (Th 6). Remove the apple cores. Arrange them in an oven dish. Fill the hole in the apple with the sugar, jam and vanilla sugar. Add a pat of butter on each apple. Bake 30 minutes in the oven. Finally... you can add a glass of cider in the bottom of the dish.

Consejos nutricionales

Baked apples, melting and caramelised, generally appeal to any guests! Quick and easy to make, this recipe can be adapted in infinite ways. In addition, it perfectly meets your nutritional requirements because it contains little potassium, phosphorus (traces) and salt (traces).